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World Dice Day

šŸ—“ļø December 4

šŸŒ Everywhere


ā€œOver a very small number of rolls of the dice,
the uncertainty principle is very important.ā€
ā€” Stephen Hawking

Twenty-sided serpentinite die from Ptolemaic Egypt
Twenty-sided serpentinite die from Ptolemaic Egypt

Archaeological finds of dice date back to almost 3000 BC.
Dice are still popular because of the element of randomness they can provide in games.
Even though the outcome of the dice can theoretically be calculated, being predicted by the laws of physics, taking in account how the dice are exactly positioned at the start of the throw and the force of the throw measured preciselyā€¦ No nerd is yet that advanced enough though.Thanks to progress in casting techniques other dice than the 6 sided dice increased in popularity. But even those special dice are not as old as we might think…

The 20 sided dice, also known in big words as a ā€œicosahedronā€, has been in multiple archaeological finds.
And technically coins have proven to have been used as 2 sided dice for millennia.
Non-square dice might be harder to make, but it was never impossible and there were actually uses for them.
With a bit of mathematical knowledge one can make many dice that, when made exactly right in form, have the perfectly calculated dice-specific dynamic of having an equal chance to fall on any of itā€™s sides.
Unless off course, you specialize in making loaded dice from which you can predict their outcome.
All you need is the right skills depending on your wisdom, dexterity stats and proficiency with crafting tools, to make the exact dice that you want.
And even that skill is almost as old as dice.

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