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Draw A Bird Day

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Draw a bird and show it off. ✍️🐦

Draw a bird. It doesn’t matter if it looks good. As long as it makes somebody happy.
Also known as Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

Draw a Bird Day is based on a story that is either a true story or a touching legend.
The story goes that in April 1943 the 7 year old Dorie Cooper visited her uncle in the hospital.
Her uncle was a WW2 veteran who lost his leg to a land mine.
To distract him from his troubles she asked him to draw a bird.
Her uncle looked out the window for inspiration and made an effort to draw the robin he just saw.
It is not known if the uncle was a bad artist or just fumbled the drawing on purpose, but according to Dorie the art was far from perfect, but she would still hang it in her room anyway because he made it.
On her next visits, the other wounded soldiers in the ward would help her uncle draw birds to see if their efforts were any better. 
Soon the walls of the ward were covered in bird drawings and even contests were started. Dorie had started a trend.

In a sad turn of events, 3 years later Dorie was killed in a car accident.
At her funeral were many bird drawings made by the doctors, nurses and soldiers from the hospital were she visited her uncle all those years, made for her as a last farewell.
Her memory was honored with a yearly “Draw a Picture of a Bird Day” on the day she first asked for the picture that started it all.

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