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Embrace Your Geekness Day ©

🗓️ July 13

🌐 Everywhere


Created by Ruth & Thomas Roy
(Wellcat Holidays)

Into dungeon games, comic books and doing vampire dress-up?
Spend endless hours going strange places on the internet?
You’re a geek, and this is the day to roar!

The word “geek” is believed to be derived from the Middle Saxon word “geck” which corresponds with the modern word “fool” as in a performer who did strange acts.
“Geck” is still used in the form of “gek” which in Dutch or South African is synonym to “crazy”. Meanwhile the use of “geck” for strange performance art has been mostly forgotten and the modern form of the word that we now know as “geek” has come to mean a fan of modern media that dresses and or behaves in a way that “normal” people think is weird.

“Geek” is often confused with “nerd”.
While there often is an overlap in fandoms and fanatisms for those fandoms. Being a visually recognizable fan of certain pop culture is a geek trait, while nerds are known for being quite fanatic in matters of science or other types of knowledge.
What makes it more confusing is that some pop culture franchises make heavy use of science to make their stories interesting. Thus creating a bigger overlap of geek and nerd fanbase.
This is why a lot of geek franchises are science fiction and fantasy. Because science fiction and fantasy tickles our imagination into thinking and wondering.

Many people will think you’re a nerd or geek for knowing this at all.
The correct word here would be “nerd” though. 😉

There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe.
Warp drive… wormhole refractors…

You know the thing you need most of all?
You need a hand to hold.

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