🗓️ November 10
🌐 Everywhere
Forget-Me-Not Day was created in 1922 as a fundraiser campaign for disabled WW I veterans.

Judge Robert S. Marx was one of the veterans who returned home with injuries.
He had experienced first hand from his comrades the troubles that veterans often have after war, especially when injuries left them disabled.
In 1920 Marx founded the Disabled American Veterans (DAV).
The DAV organization would have the first Forget-Me-Not Day on November 11 in 1922.
The date for Forget-Me-Not Day later moved to November 10.
In folklore The forget-me-not was known to symbolize true love or connection between separated loved ones or even the dearly departed.
The name tells it all about the symbolism of this cute little flower.
The colors may be simple, but they are bright. The flower is really small and so easy to miss and be looked over.
When you finally see this little spot of brightness, the flowers seem to tell you the story of the knight who named the forget-me-not
Once upon a time a knight and his lover walked along a river.
He tried really hard to impress her.
He had shaven that morning.
He had bathed with soap that smelled of roses.
He had polished his armor till it shone like a mirror.
He told her heavily embellished tales in colorful big words
of how he battled monsters bravely.
On their way he kept picking flowers to give to his lover.
He saw a tiny but bright blue flower near the river
and he bend over to pick it.
In his shiny, sturdy but also massive heavy armour he lost his balance.
Before either the knight or his lover could blink or gasp he fell into the river.
He was strong and swam to the surface,
but he felt his armour pull him back down mercilessly.
Before he sank to the merciless depths of the river,
he tossed the blue flower to his horrified lover
with his final words:
“Forget me not!”
And that is where the story ended.
The lover was left with nothing but a little bright blue flower in memory of her gentle knight.
And to remind us not to wear armor if there is any chance of meeting the depths of a deep dark river.
#ForgetMeNotDay #NationalForgetMeNotDay