🗓️ December 27
🌐 Everywhere
If you’re tired of doing all the housework yourself?
Do you long for the days where house spirits like brownies and nisse were a common household sight? Well, then you’re in luck because December 27th is Kobold Luring Day!
It’s time to say goodbye to dirty dishes and hello to a little (magical) help around the house.
The purpose of Kobold Luring Day is to welcome kobolds into your home to help with chores and other tasks.
According to folklore, these little house spirits are mischievous and love to play pranks, but they’re also known for their hard work and love of cleaning. So, why not give them a chance to shine and help out around the house?
But, what exactly are kobolds?
According to folklore, they’re small, mythical creatures that have been around for centuries. They’re often described as gnome-like beings that love to help out with household chores… if you can convince them to.
But they can also be mischievous and play tricks on unsuspecting humans.
According to Dungeons & Dragons, kobolds are a small, reptilian or dragon-like species with a love of traps and mining.
But the question whether D&D already counts as folklore is subject to excessive controversy.
Not in the least because of the lax attitude this franchise has towards any folklore that it..ehm “borrows” from.
Don’t get us wrong, we love the game, but it sometimes clashes with our love for historical folklore and the love for franchise continuity.
But, enough rambling and waffling…
The origins of Kobold Luring Day are a bit of a mystery, with some claiming it was created by a group of folklore fanatics and others stating it was formed by a group of lazy homemakers.
Either way, the purpose of this holiday is to attempt to lure a kobold into your home to assist with household chores.
But why December 27th, you ask?
Legend has it that this day is the one day of the year where kobolds are most susceptible to being lured into homes. Winter can be harsh on all kinds of creatures. Some would love to work for the comfort of having a home.
Whether that’s due to a full moon, a shift in the earth’s axis, or just because kobolds are feeling particularly cold or even lonely, no one knows for sure.
So, how do you lure your own kobold?
The first step is to create a cozy and inviting space in your home, such as a small corner or a closet. Then, leave out offerings such as food and drink to entice the kobold to move in. Some people also leave out toys or other small items to make the space feel more welcoming. But this part may be tricky. Remember Dobby’s sock? That was inspired by the idea that if you give your house spirit nifty clothes, they would stop working. Either because of the fear to soil their good clothes or because they’d feel like they were high class now.
You probably can’t go wrong with giving them good quality practical clothes. A sturdy apron with plenty of pockets or a comfy warm hoody.
Of course, there are pros and cons to having a kobold in your home.
On the one hand, they’re hard workers and can help with tasks like cleaning and organizing.
On the other hand, they’re known for their mischievousness and love of playing pranks, so be prepared for a few surprises along the way!
So, how can you celebrate Kobold Luring Day?
One idea is to have a housewarming party for your new kobold roommate. You could also decorate your home with kobold-friendly items such as mushrooms, small toys, and twinkling lights. Don’t forget to leave out plenty of food and drinks for your new houseguest!
If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you could even attempt to lure a kobold into your office or workplace!
And for those of you who aren’t feeling the kobold love, that’s okay too.
You can always celebrate National Whisk(e)y Day on December 27th instead.
Or invite your friends for some adventurous hours of playing D&D.
You could also spend the day doing what kobolds do best: cleaning your home,enjoying some peace and relishing some well-deserved alone time.
Maybe having privacy also has its perks. Otherwise, you’d never know when a kobold might be watching you do …ehm, you know, something.
In conclusion,
whether you’re a fan of folklore, or just love the idea of having some extra help around the house, Kobold Luring Day is the perfect time to celebrate these mischievous little creatures.
Either way, December 27th is a day for celebrating all things home and hearth,