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Macaroni Day

Macaroni Day

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ July 7

๐ŸŒ Everywhere



Macaroni Day is just around the corner, so you know what that means – it’s time to pasta-fy your life! It’s that special day of the year when we celebrate the magical, cheesy goodness that is macaroni.
So grab your cheese, your sauce, and your sense of humor, because we’re about to dive into the world of macaroni.

What is macaroni and what makes it special?

Macaroni is a type of pasta made from durum wheat and shaped into short, hollow elbow shaped tubes. It’s a classic pasta shape that’s been around for centuries, but it really exploded in popularity in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, thanks in part to the Macaroni fashion trend. That’s right, people used to dress up in outlandish outfits and call themselves “macaronis” because they thought it was a sign of sophistication. Thankfully, we don’t have to go that far to appreciate the simple pleasures of macaroni. What sets it apart from other pasta shapes is its ability to hold onto sauce and cheese, making it the perfect vehicle for hearty and comforting meals.

Origin: How did Macaroni Day come to be?

Now, you may be wondering how this holiday came about. Was it a divine intervention from the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Some say it was created by a group of Italian grandparents who wanted to share their love of pasta with the world.
Others say it was invented by a marketing team for a major pasta brand.
Whatever the case may be, we do know that July 7th was chosen as the date because it falls right in the middle of summer, the perfect time to enjoy a big bowl of macaroni salad or a cheesy baked mac and cheese.

How to make the most of Macaroni Day?

There are so many ways to celebrate Macaroni Day, whether you prefer your pasta in a creamy sauce or with a spicy kick. If you’re feeling adventurous, try making your own pasta from scratch using semolina flour and water. But if you’re short on time, don’t worry – there are plenty of delicious store-bought options available.
You can start by making a simple, classic mac and cheese recipe at home, or you can get creative and add some fun twists to it. How about a buffalo chicken mac and cheese? Or a lobster mac and cheese? You can even make macaroni salad, macaroni and cheese pizza, or macaroni and cheese-stuffed burgers. The sky’s the limit when it comes to macaroni!
And don’t forget the wine! A crisp white or a bold red can really elevate your macaroni experience.

And don’t forget to invite your friends over for a mac and cheese party. Get them involved by having a macaroni bar where they can choose their own toppings, or you can even have a mac and cheese cook-off.
Just make sure to have some drinks on hand to wash it all down. A nice cold beer or a glass of wine pairs perfectly with mac and cheese.

How to stay safe while celebrating Macaroni Day?

Let’s be real, macaroni isn’t the most dangerous food out there. But if you’re cooking with hot water or oil, be sure to take precautions to avoid burns. And if you’re trying out a new recipe, make sure to read it all the way through before you start cooking to avoid any surprises.
And for those of you who are lactose intolerant, we suggest trying out a vegan mac and cheese recipe.Vegan cheeses are tasting pretty good lately.


Macaroni Day is a day to celebrate all the cheesy, carb-y goodness that is macaroni. So, whether you’re a traditionalist who loves classic mac and cheese or a daring foodie who wants to try something new, there’s no wrong way to celebrate this holiday.
And if anyone asks why you’re celebrating Macaroni Day, just tell them that Wild Calendar gave you permission to do so.
Happy Macaroni Day!

You’re the cheese to my macaroni.

#MacaroniDay #NationalMacaroniDay

Wild Calendar