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Wonderful Weirdos Day ©

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The world needs more weirdos like you! 👯🦄🕴️👽

Celebrate Your Inner Weirdo on Wonderful Weirdos Day ©

Weirdos Unite!
Today, we celebrate the weird, the wild, and the wonderfully wacky. It’s the one day a year when being eccentric is not just encouraged, it’s celebrated!
Normal is boring; it’s time to unleash your inner weirdo and join the party!

Defining the Weirdo

There is no one definition of a weirdo.
It can mean someone who is different from the mainstream, someone who is creative and unconventional, or someone who simply marches to the beat of their own drum.
Unfortunately, weirdos often get an undeserved stigma.  Weirdos may be seen as being odd, strange, or even crazy.
This is because society often values conformity and homogeneity over individuality and diversity. While weirdos are the dreamers, the innovators, the creative souls who make the world a more interesting place.

To Conform or Not to Conform? That Is the Question

Yay for conforming:

  • Conforming can make us feel like we fit in and belong.
  • Conforming can make us feel more secure and comfortable.
  • Conforming can make it easier to get along with others. Especially in very large groups.

Nay, being weird is preferable:

  • Not conforming leaves more breathing room for individuality and creativity.
  • Not conforming provides us with a deeper feeling of being true to ourselves.
  • Suppressing your true self leads to long-term unhappiness.

Psst… Are You a Closet Weirdo?

You might already be a weirdo without realizing it.
Do you have quirky hobbies, unique interests, or an unconventional perspective on life? Do you prefer pineapples on your pizza or dream of becoming a professional sparrow trainer?
Be proud of your weirdness, because it’s what makes you wonderful!

The Origin of Wonderful Weirdos Day ©

Back in the day, Ruth & Thomas Roy decided the world needed a day to celebrate those who dare to be different. So, in the spirit of individuality and inclusivity, they created Wonderful Weirdos Day ©.
They wanted to encourage us to celebrate all the wonderful weirdos in the world, and to encourage people to be proud of who they are, even if they don’t fit in.

Weirdo Celebrations 101

Here’s how you can celebrate Wonderful Weirdos Day © in style:

  • Try a new, unconventional hobby.
  • Wear something that makes you feel confident and unique. Wear mismatched socks proudly.
  • Share a quirky fact about yourself.
  • Bake unusual cookies and share them with people who appreciate your weirdness.
  • Create weird and wonderful art.
  • Have a spontaneous dance-off with your teddy bear in your living room.
  • Send a “You’re a Weirdo, and I Love It” card to your favorite oddball.
  • Post your quirkiest selfie with #WonderfulWeirdosDay for the world to see.

Break the Mold, Be Bold!

Normal? That’s So Yesterday. The world needs more weirdos, so don’t be afraid to be one! So go out there and shine like the proud unicorn that you are!
And if anyone asks why you’re celebrating by wearing different shoes on each foot and a fancy big hat, just tell them Wild Calendar gave you permission to do so and invite them in on the fun!
Happy Wonderful Weirdos Day ©!

Normal Is Just a Dryer Setting.


Wild Calendar