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Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day

Over-breeding and inbreeding: Not cool, not cute. 🧬🐢🐱🐰🐾

International Chocolate Day

Those who invest in chocolate put their money behind bars. 🍫

Fortune Cookie Day

We don’t know the future, but here’s a cookie. πŸ₯ 

Celiac Disease Awareness Day

Spread awareness that for some people eating gluten free is not just a fad. It is a medical necessity!

Defy Superstition Day

Believing in superstition brings bad luck

Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day

We learn by practice. Practice can be messy

Historical events on September 13

- Roald Dahl Day
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." (Roald Dahl)

Observations for the whole month of September :

Wild Calendar