Bittersweet Chocolate Day
If you think bittersweet chocolate is too intense, just remember that so is life, and yet we still keep going. 🍫
Cut Your Energy Costs Day
Unplug that phone charger you never use and bask in the glow of your cost savings. 💡
Kiss a Shark Day
Kissing a shark is like playing Russian roulette, but with teeth instead of bullets. It's not a game you want to win. 🦈💋
Peculiar People Day
Don't worry about fitting in, it's much more fun to stand out! 🧚
Save the Eagles Day
Eagles are top predators in the animal kingdom, but they need us to protect their homes. 🦅
Voudon Festival
The Voudon Festival is a celebration of life and love, and an opportunity to honor the ancestors who have come before us.🕯️🇧🇯
Houseplant Appreciation Day
Houseplant Appreciation Day is a reminder that plants are like pets, except they're cheaper and don't bark. 🌱