Buttercrunch Day
Just in case you haven't had enough sugar this month, here's another excuse to indulge in Buttercrunch. 🍬
Cheese Lover’s Day
A cheese lover without cheese is like a day without sunshine. 🧀
Penguin Awareness Day
Today we celebrate penguins, the best-dressed birds in the world! 🐧
Camcorder Day
A day to celebrate the invention that revolutionized home videos and made us all amateur filmmakers. 📹
Disc Jockey Day
From scratching to beatmatching, Disc Jockeys do it all. So, let's raise a toast to them on their special day. 🎶
International Day of Acceptance
Let's make sure that the world is a place where everyone feels accepted and equally capable. 🦾♿
Take a Walk Outdoors Day
Don't be afraid to take a walk on the wild side, even if it's just around the block. 👣