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Saint Taurinus

Saint Taurinus

🗓️ August 11

🌐 Everywhere

A long time ago

Greetings fellow worshippers of the great Saint Taurinus!
Are you ready to celebrate a saint who could not only perform exorcisms but also raise people from the dead? Let’s dive into the miraculous life of Saint Taurinus and why we should all be celebrating this legendary figure.

The Origin of Saint Taurinus

Born in Rome to a heathen father and a devout Christian mother, Taurinus was baptized by none other than Pope Clement I himself, with Denis the Areopagite as his godfather. Taurinus later became the first bishop of Évreux and evangelized the region.

Saint Taurinus is known for his dedication to the Virgin Mary, but even more so for his miracles and exorcisms!
According to legend, he faced a demon in Évreux that took the form of a lion, a bear, and a buffalo, which he expelled from the local temple of Diana and converted into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Talk about a wild exorcism!
But that’s not all. Taurinus raised a girl named Euphrasia from the dead after she died in a fire and also brought back Marinus, the son of the local prefect who fell into a hole and died from the impact.
These miraculous resurrections led to over a thousand converts.

Tips for Preparing for Saint Taurinus

To prepare for Saint Taurinus, be sure to stock up on plenty of holy water and garlic. You never know when a demon might try to crash the party.
Read up on his miracles, his battles with demons, and his dedication to the Virgin Mary. Then, start planning your celebration by setting aside a day to focus on his achievements and his impact on the world.
You might also want to consider organizing a procession or a religious service in his honor.

How to celebrate:

Saint Taurinus is celebrated in many different ways, depending on where you are in the world. In France, for example, there are many festivals and religious services dedicated to Saint Taurinus. In Rome, you might find processions and religious services in his honor. 

Saint Taurinus may have lived over a thousand years ago, but his legendary tales of exorcism and resurrection are still inspiring us today.
So let’s raise a glass of holy water and celebrate the wild and wonderful life of Saint Taurinus!


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