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Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข

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Behind every successful doctor is a team of badass nurses keeping things running smoothly! ๐Ÿง‘โ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ’‰

โ€˜Saving The Day’ Is Just Part Of The Job Description

Call them angels, call them lifesavers or just call them nurses. They’re the ones by your bedside around the clock, dispensing medication, monitoring your vitals and offering a shoulder to cry on (or a hand to hold when the IV needle seems like a medieval torture device).
But nurses are much more than just bedside angels and a wielder of thermometers. They administer medications, monitor vitals, educate patients and collaborate with doctors. All while keeping things running smoothly. It takes a special kind of person to juggle compassion, critical thinking and the occasional bedpan with finesse.
Not all heroes wear capes… some wear scrubs!

Nurse Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

First off, contrary to popular belief, nurses do much more than just “fetching coffee” or “fluffing pillows.”  They’re highly skilled professionals who undergo rigorous training and education to provide expert care to patients.
Additionally, nurses aren’t just “doctor’s assistants” or “hospital helpers”. They are able to explain the weird stuff doctors say because nurses are autonomous healthcare providers with their own unique scope of practice.
And no, not all nurses are women. Men rock those scrubs just as well!
So next time someone tries to downplay the awesomeness of nurses, just drop these truth bombs and give nurses the respect and recognition they deserve!

The Origin of Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข

Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข was established in 2008 by the American Nurses Credentialing Center(ANCC) with the intention of recognizing and honoring these highly skilled professionals and their contributions to better patient outcomes.
Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข has since evolved into a widely recognized and celebrated event in the nursing community and beyond.
Today, hospitals, educational institutions and healthcare providers use this day to organize events, offer special recognition programs and raise awareness about the importance of nursing certification.
The idea was simple โ€“ create a day to celebrate these highly skilled individuals and the positive impact they have on patient care.
The public embraced the concept wholeheartedly and Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข has become an annual tradition, a chance to shower certified nurses with the appreciation they deserve. 

March 19: A Tribute to Dr. Margretta “Gretta” Madden Styles

Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข holds special significance as it coincides with the birthday of one of nursing’s greatest leaders: Dr. Margretta “Gretta” Madden Styles, RN, EdD, FAAN.
Dr. Styles was a trailblazer in the field of nursing certification, dedicating her life to advancing the profession and ensuring that nurses received the recognition and respect they deserved.

Celebrate Like Florence Nightingale Would

So, how can you join in on the Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข festivities?
Hospitals and healthcare providers often hold special events, but you can show your appreciation in countless ways. 

  • Operation: Thank You Note:
    A heartfelt note expressing your gratitude for their care goes a long way.
  • Random Acts of Appreciation:
    Swing by the nurses’ station with a box of chocolates or their favorite coffee. They fuel long shifts on caffeine and pure awesomeness, after all.
  • Go Big:
    Feeling extra enthusiastic? Organize a patient appreciation event with balloons, snacks and games! Just check with the hospital staff first to make sure it’s okay.
  • Or Go Home:
    Have a nurse themed party at home. Decorate your party space with latex glove balloons, wear your finest scrubs and invite your friends.

The Heartbeat Beneath the Scrubs

Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข is a day to say, โ€œHey, Nurse, youโ€™re not just a human Band-Aid; youโ€™re a superhero in scrubs! Youโ€™re the heartbeat of healthcare, the caffeine in our IV drip and the reason we believe in miracles.โ€
Whether you’re a seasoned healthcare pro, a grateful patient, or simply someone who appreciates the importance of nursing, there’s never been a better time to show your support. So let’s raise our glasses (or pill cups) to the nurses who keep us healthy and happy.
And if anyone questions your decision to make balloons from latex gloves while wearing a hospital gown, just tell them Wild Calendar sent you and invite them to join the fun. After all, who can resist a party in honor of our beloved nurses?
May your shifts be short, your coffee strong and your patients stay grateful.

Happy Certified Nurses Dayโ„ข to all the amazing nurses out there!
You rock!

Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food.

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